Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Eye Doctor

Today I went to the eye doctor, officially one of my least favorite places on the planet. Probably there is an opthamologist's office waiting for me in my own special Hell. As soon as I walk in the door I start to imagine my vision getting blurry (well, more so than usual) and as soon as I see an eye chart my blood pressure sky rockets. Call it a left-over childhood neurosis -- one of many.

Anyway it is hard for me to get in and out of an opthamologist's office without being poked and prodded six ways to Sunday. I had to remind about four different people that no I am not here for my annual exam and I do not want my pupils dialated, I am only here to have a scratch looked at! I know that being the walking pathology specimen that I am, it is very hard for them to resist peering at my retinas.

I managed to fend them all off and get the scratch looked at. The doctor said it looks like it is healing nicely and I don't need antibiotic drops or anything. My eye still feeling like it's burning and watering a lot but it's bearable. Hopefully tomorrow it will be noticeably better still.


Anonymous said...

Is your eye better???

Amanda said...

Almost. But now I have a sprained ankle.

Anonymous said...

How did you get a sprained ankle?