Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday Night Update

Not a whole heck of a lot going on this weekend but it's been a nice weekend nonetheless. Yesterday morning Ben had a birthday party to go to, and in the afternoon Joel's parents came over and brought Candy Land for Ben so we had to play like six games of Candy Land with him (which actually was kind of fun) and then we all went to dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. As if Rebecca's little tummy isn't round enough, she stuffed herself so full of pasta, bread, french fries, cheesecake and ice cream that I thought for sure she was going to vomit. (She didn't, but her intestines have been working overtime today to clear out that meal).

This morning we took the kids to the gym, then went to PF Chang's for lunch, and then I gave Joel the chore of cleaning my car for me (knowing that it would be a good two hours before I'd see him again because when Joel cleans something, which is not very often, he does a very thorough job). The weather today was great so after I put Becca down for her nap I took the baby monitor outside with Ben where in the space of two hours he played about nine different games with three different neighbors in various front and back yards. One of his games was taking turns with his friend Miller sitting on a skateboard and riding it down a (kind of steep) driveway. After about the third time of seeing him almost fall off backwards I made him go get his bike helmet.

Tonight we went to a Super Bowl party at one of our neighbor's houses, where there were a lot of kids Ben's age so Ben had plenty of friends and other kids' toys to occupy himself with and was very well behaved. He got to take a few swings at a pinata in the garage also, which he enjoyed very much. It was the first time he'd ever seen one and he had no idea there was candy in it until it broke. He looked shocked, but wasted no time collecting a fair portion, which went straight into his mouth pretty much all at once.

I brought the kids home early of course, since tomorrow's a school day and they go to bed pretty early. Ben was exhausted and pretty much melted down when I took him upstairs -- didn't even want me to read a story. I guess it was a tiring day for him.

Okay, back to watching the game now...

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