Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Becca on Drugs

Becca has had a bit of a rough day... She woke up screaming in pain around 11pm last night, and it seemed apparent that she'd scratched her eye somehow while sleeping. She would settle down after a few minutes and sleep for a half hour, then wake up screaming just as loudly. This pattern continued till about 2:30 am, when she fell asleep until 7am and then woke up vigorously screaming again. I decided that listening to her scream for 2 hours until her pediatrician's office opened was not an option, so we loaded both kids up and headed for the ER.

Once there Becca was examined by a "student doctor" who looked at everything except her eye and suggested that maybe she was teething or had an ear infection. We politely disagreed, and pointed out the fact that she was holding her hand to her eye and screaming "My eye! My eye!" He didn't seem quite convinced and went to round up his attending for a second opinion.

The attending was fortunately a bit brighter. She gave Becca some Versed to calm her down (Becca became very happy and uncoordinated) and it still took 3 people to hold her down for the eye exam. The exam showed a big corneal abrasion right in the middle of her left eye. Once confirmed, she received a prescription pain medication which knocked her out for about three and a half hours, and I managed to get Ben to camp (who I should mention spent the two hours at the ER watching TV in the exam room and being very good).

I am happy to report that Becca, now awake, is no longer screaming and clutching her eye, though she does whimper every now and then and say "My eye again!" very pitifully. Hopefully we will all sleep better tonight and she'll be able to go back to school tomorrow. I am supposed to follow up with an opthamologist, and she's got antibiotic cream and more prescription pain meds (though we're hoping she'll be okay with just Motrin).

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

How awful!!! I'm so glad she's on the upswing. And didn't this happen to you in recent years too?