Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Day of School

Ben's first day of kindergarten has come and gone... Oh how it seems like just yesterday I was "elementary school shopping" online prior to our move to Charlotte and oh how far off kindergarten seemed then, practically three years ago now...

For all the nostalgia, Ben's first day was pretty anti-climactic. Maybe it's because I didn't put him on the bus this morning, deciding to drive him instead since I hadn't met his teacher and needed to drop off some paperwork. He seemed a little shy but otherwise fine when I dropped him off, and his teacher seems very nice. He helped her unpack his ton of school supplies, and she showed him his cubby and his desk (or, rather, his seat at one of the little tables) and then it was time for me to go.

I thought about him all day of course, and when I picked him up at the JCC after school he was very happy to see me and gave me lots of hugs. After giving him the third degree about his day, here is what I got out of him:

1. There were 6 kids in his class today, but on Monday (the first day all the kids go at once) there will be 22. He could not remember a single one of their names (must take after Joel that way).

2. He played on the monkey bars at recess

3. He bought "pizza sticks" in the cafeteria for lunch (and he called them "the goodest things I ever had")

4. He made a school bus out of a graham cracker, yellow frosting, oreos and cereal, and then ate it.

5. He rode on the JCC bus after school and the bus driver was his camp counselor, Marcus.

6. He played an Indiana Jones computer game after school

Upon questioning him about the artwork I found in his backpack, about if he had story time, circle time, or any other kind of time that didn't involve food or recess, I got noncomittal responses.

No homework yet -- at least not for Ben. I have already received a huge packet of materials requesting me to join the PTA (I did), volunteer at a bazillion different events (I signed up for the book fair and the spring carnival), order a year book (no), order a school directory (yes), order school spirit wear (I ordered Ben a t shirt that says "Watch Me Like A Hawk" --after the school's mascot), sell Citipass books (Citipass books, anyone? Maybe Joel can sell some for me, we know how much he loves them), re-link my grocery card so that 2% of store-brand purchases go to support the school (did that)... hmm I am sure there was some other stuff in there somewhere. I feel as though the checkbook came out at least three times while I was filling out those forms... oh well.

Anyway, I did not get a picture of Ben on his first day, but on Monday I will try to snap a picture of him boarding the school bus for the first time! Wish me luck with that.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

HAHAH..The part about Ben and Joel not remembering any names made me choke on my coffee...Thanks for the morning laugh.....