Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Voyage Home

We left Philadelphia after lunch yesterday and drove straight through to Charlotte, stopping for dinner and a couple of other times for bathroom breaks. Despite the stops, we made it in just over ten hours... quite a trip, but worth it to be able to sleep in our own beds last night! The kids were a little more restless than on the trip up, but still fantastic over all. Ben whined a little and asked to stop for a couple of bathroom breaks which were probably unneccessary, but that's about it. Becca fell asleep around 8pm, and Ben around 9pm, so the last few hours of the drive (which are always the hardest) were very peaceful. We got home a little past 11:30 last night, and had the kids into bed in about five minutes flat, and ourselves shortly thereafter. It has been great having the whole day today to unpack, do laundry, grocery shopping, etc. Very glad that we made the drive all in one shot! Once again we owe a deep debt to the inventor of the car DVD player, and Backyardigans.

We had a great time visiting friends and family this past week... more pictures and vacation-related blogging to come... Editor's Note: If you looked at the Mud Shack slide show when I first posted it, check it out again because I just added a bunch more pics courtesy of Paul's wife Elissa, and there's even a group photo where EVEN BEN IS SMILING. Definitely worth another look. Thanks Elissa!!

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