Friday, July 11, 2008

Becca's 9 Month Progress Report

I've decided that every 3 months I will post an update on Becca's milestones, because I don't remember anything at all from when Ben was a baby (if I had, maybe I would have decided not to have another kid, ha ha).
  • FEEDING: Is beginning to feed herself finger foods (clumsily). No teeth yet! A big gagger - eating mostly stage 2 baby food still.
  • LANGUAGE/EXPRESSION: Says consonants ma,la,ba,da,ga. Shakes her head "no" sporadically but appropriately (when she is done eating). Claps her hands
  • GROSS MOTOR: Pulls herself to standing with assistance (does not crawl or pull up by herself yet)
  • BEDTIME: Sleeps 12 hours at night pretty consistently (finally!)

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