Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lofty Aspirations

I thought most 4 year old boys were supposed to want to be a policeman or a fireman or something when they grow up. Mine seems to want to be a waiter. Most nights at dinner - and especially if we have company over - he rushes eagerly back and forth from the kitchen, bringing drinks, taking "orders", setting the table. "I'm the waiter! I'm the waiter!" he yells if anyone makes a move to get up from the table to get anything.

The other night I casually mentioned, "You know, Daddy used to be a waiter." He looked at Joel with a look of total amazement. It was as though I'd just told him Daddy was Superman. "He was?" The fact that Daddy is a doctor now doesn't impress him in the least. But a waiter? That's cool.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Looking at Joel in awe because he was a sub-par waiter at Charlie's is too funny. (I used to want to be a crossing guard.)