Monday, July 28, 2008

Chicks Dig the iPhone

Today's my birthday -- happy birthday me! Coincidentally (okay, not so much) it is also my sister's birthday -- happy birthday Abby!

I took the day off from work today (I think I may start a tradition of taking the day off on my birthday). However, it has not so far been the very relaxing day I had planned. I somehow got involved in far too many errands, most of them fruitless. Just a few of the places I have been today, after dropping both the kids off: Ben's pediatrician (to drop off a form they need to fill out for preschool), Barnes & Noble (cup of coffee and to buy a new book since I finished The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao), Wal-Mart and Target (both in a misguided search for lawn chairs which I gave up on), Verizon Wireless store (to check if the contract on my phone is up, potentially freeing me to buy an iPhone), Apple store (line for iPhones was an hour and a half long and they only had the white 16 gig model left), AT&T store (no iPhones there either), Honda dealership (finally picked up the new registration and license plate for the Pilot - I'd been driving around with old registration and plates for four months), Breugger's Bagels (lunch), Carolina Cafe (cupcake), Starbucks (more coffee).

At Starbucks I finally sat down for a few minutes and started to read the book I bought at Barnes & Noble this morning, A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah. (I've been wanting to read it for a long time, ever since I saw Ishmael Beah on the Jon Stewart show). Anyway, after a few minutes of reading it my day was put into a bit of perspective and the paucity of iPhones (though still annoying), is certainly not quite as troublesome as, say, seeing your whole family get killed and being forced into the army at age 13..

Tonight we have tickets to see Counting Crows with Maroon 5.


Mary said...

Happy Birthday Amanda!!

Andrew said...

Happy Happy..
The counting crows..I'm Jealous...