Saturday, July 26, 2008

Universal Law of Child-Rearing #1

One of the Laws governing the universe as pertains to child-rearing is that as soon as you throw something of your child's away, no matter how long it has been since they asked for it last, as soon as it is in the trash they will ask where it is.

Case in point - yesterday as part of my closet cleaning/organization I threw away a stack of Ben's preschool artwork that had been sitting in one of the drawers in the kitchen. (I also saved a stack, but he's got many years of school artwork ahead of him and you can't save everything right?) Anyway one of the things I threw away was a kite made out of construction paper that he made in preschool back in March. So, we're talking.... four months ago? After not mentioning this kite or asking for it in the intervening four months, he walks up to me today (the very day after I threw it out) and asks, "Where's my kite?"

ME: [playing dumb] Errr, your what?
BEN: My kite! The one I made in preschool?
ME: Uhhhhh... I don't know.....

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