Monday, July 28, 2008

The Wonders of Modern Technology

The other day I was chatting with my friend Kris (Hi Kris!), and complaining that I had finished watching seasons 1-3 of Weeds and had no way to catch up on what I'd missed of season 4 (currently airing) since I don't have Showtime on Demand (it's only available with the DirecTV DVR package, which I don't have).

Kris said I could watch it on her TV, since she has Showtime on Demand.

I said, Thanks Kris but I think you forgot I live in North Carolina now.

And that's when she told me about this piece of technology that she owns. With a small software download and a couple of settings typed in, there I was watching Kris's TV in her home in PA from here at my computer in Charlotte. ("If the channel changes," Kris warned me, "that means someone is home and trying to watch TV.")

Ah, the wonders of modern technology!

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