Friday, July 11, 2008

The Tools of Parenting: Distraction

Yes, the Distraction Technique continues to work even on my four year old:

BEN [after scraping his knee on the way out the door at camp yesterday]: It really hurts!
ME: You're okay, bud. It's just a tiny scrape.
BEN [faking a limp, tears welling up]: But it REALLY--
ME: Hey guess what?
BEN: What?
ME: I got you pudding today.
BEN: You did?! What flavor?
ME: Chocolate.
BEN: Chocolate?! I LOVE chocolate!! It's my very most favorite flavor!!
ME: I'll let you have some when we get home if you promise to eat your dinner.
BEN: Okay!

(Scraped knee entirely forgotten).

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