Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blogging for a Living

Yesterday I was flipping through the new issue of Newsweek and I came across a column about blogs and how they are for the most part very difficult to make money doing. In driving home the point about how unprofitable blogs are, the author mentioned a couple of exceptions. One of them is Dooce, a personal diary blog run by a stay at home mom in Utah. Apparently it brings in between 500,000 and 1 million dollars a year in advertising revenues (and is now the sole means of income for the author and her family).

So of course I had to check it out. Very impressed - great writing, great photographs. From her site I also came across another one, The Daily Coyote, which chronicles the story of a woman in Wyoming raising an orphaned coyote. She now has a book published based on her blog.

Now how can I make my blog support my family....? I obviously need some more interesting things to write about... since I was not raised Mormon like the author of Dooce (thanks for nothing Mom and Dad), I'll have to think of something else. Maybe some neurotic dogs, a wild animal or two...? I shall have to mull over the possibilities.


Abigail said...

Hmm yeah maybe raising an orphaned litter of tiger cubs would do the trick? ;)

Carolyn said...

That Dooce blog chick takes the best pictures. I want her camera! Or her skill or patience or whatever it is.

Maybe you could embellish your life just a wee bit, and then get a mere $200K-$300K in advertising revenues. That would be enough, right? Joel could still work.

Amanda said...

oh, i totally want her camera. she says what she uses in the FAQ. A Canon DSLR of some sort (of course).

Mary said...

I much prefer your blog! I find her obnoxious. Is it really necessary to curse all the time? I know that makes me sound VERY old but oh well. :)