Thursday, February 12, 2009

Picture Problems

Lately I am having a lot of trouble getting quality pictures of the kids. Problem number one is that I have two very fast children and a camera with probably the slowest picture-taking ability on the planet. It's only a year old, too, so unfortunately I seem to be stuck with it for a while. I take full responsibility for making this poor purchasing decision.

Problem number two, as I believe I have previously mentioned, is that Ben usually will not let me take his picture unless he doesn't know I am doing it. If he sees me aim the camera at him he'll turn and run in the opposite direction or duck behind whatever piece of furniture happens to be handy. This leads to pictures like this (shown here in his new too-big jeans which turned out to be okay because he decided to wear his really-too-big shirt* with them and compared to the shirt, the jeans do not look too bad):

Rebecca on the other hand now has a tendency to toddle up to the camera as soon as she sees it, stick her face in it, and say "hi!" which leads to a lot of pictures like this:

Then she tries to grab the camera away from me, so I get at most one picture of her with her head filling the entire frame.

*This shirt is the first and last clothing item Joel has ever purchased for Ben (except perhaps for an Eagles jersey). "I was afraid it would be too small!" he said. (Dude, did you look at the tag? It's a 7/8!)

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Wow he looks pregnant in that shirt. Get a Canon Digital Rebel EOS; they start at $599 now.