Sunday, February 15, 2009

Random Stuff

1. We went to Copper for dinner last night which just reaffirmed for us that it is the best Indian food anywhere, period.

2. Ben has a picture book of dogs that he rediscovered recently and he decided he wanted to guess what all the dog breeds in the book were. There's a list on the last page which tells what each one is, fortunately, since I'm a little rusty on my dog breeds. For a while he would guess "Chihuaha! Poodle! Miniature Pinscer!" for every single dog (even though there is no Chihuaha in the book, a fact which I pointed out to him numerous times but which never stopped him from guessing it). But now he's got about 95% of them down cold, including "Cavalier King Charles Spaniel!" My boy knows his dogs.

3. He also knows his states, up to Michigan now, in alphabetical order no less. So now instead of asking if we can go to Arkansas, he asks if we can go to Kansas or Idaho. My answer is still the same. Not that I have anything against Kansas... well okay, I do have something against Kansas actually.

4. The Cute Award goes to Becca (doesn't it always?) She was watching Joel do push-ups and she got down on the floor and tried to do push-ups with him. It was just about the most adorable thing I have ever seen.

5. Tomorrow the kids and I are off for President's Day, and I haven't quite figured out what we're going to do for the day except that Ben somehow weasled the promise of a toy out of me, somewhere between the guilt trip ("why didn't you get me a present for Valentine's day?") and the week or two of nagging, and the big brown eyes ("I was really really super good today, wasn't I?") he somehow dragged it out of me. Got to give him credit - he's a persistant little guy.

6. Ben's been waking up at 6:30 for the last few days. He comes downstairs and climbs into my side of the bed, and I tell him he can stay if he's quiet because it's not time to get up yet. He curls up next to me and pokes his toenails into my calves. And no matter how I change position, move over, etc, he shifts with me immediately so that his toes are right back to digging into my leg again. It's sweet, but painful.


Abigail said...

Well I am jealous if Ben is actually *quiet* when he curls up in bed with you -- I let Charlie do the same thing at 6am if (ha, *when*) he is up but he yells 'Get up! Get up! I want waffles!' and bounces on our heads making any actual quiet time nonexistant.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with Kansas?