Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Taste of Spring

Last week's cold front has been replaced by a warm front, so we got a nice taste of spring this weekend. It was sunny and 70 today and yesterday. We took full advantage of the nice weather and spent as much time as possible outside. Ben played outside with the neighbors - bikes, scooters, stomp rockets, etc - and we re-acquanted ourselves with our backyard swing set.

Ben, in stereotypical boy fashion, invented a game where he would dig up a pile of dirt from underneath the swings and transport it in a toy dump truck over to the slide. He would dump the pile of dirt at the bottom of the slide and then - you guessed it - slide down the slide (face first no less) into the pile of dirt. (If anyone knows a good method for getting red clay dirt stains out of clothes, now's the time to tell me). When I commented on how dirty his hands were, he LICKED his palms! (!!) When did my son become so gross?

Rebecca, in a new pair of white sandals, was very reticent to go anywhere near the dirt/mud/long grass and so spent much of this particular time sitting on my lap sucking on a juice box (and sucking and sucking and sucking on it long after all the juice was gone).

We also ate outside, played Candy Land outside, and met friends at Freedom Park this morning for even more outdoor enjoyment. Freedom Park, incidentally, is a very large, nice park that in theory seems like it would be easy to find but in practice involved a lot of driving around in circles. Now that I know where it is, though, we will definitely be returning.

So to sum up the weekend: lots of sunshine, lots of dirty clothes.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Sounds glorious! Having had 48 degree windy partly sunny weather, of course I can certainly relate. Oh, and I'm going to have to keep my method of removing red clay stains from clothes a secret. ;-)