Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What's New on Tuesday

Not so much, actually.

First, a warm welcome to the world to Hunter Wyatt, born early this morning. 5 lbs 11 oz, a few weeks early but doing well... and congratulations Josie!

Rebecca and I are almost fully recovered from our illness, but Joel is still in the middle of it. It looked like Ben was going to become a casualty also because yesterday he just was not himself, didn't eat dinner, complained his throat hurt and Joel said it looked red. So I was fully expecting him to be sick this morning but instead he was up at 6:45, full of energy and proclaiming to be feeling fine. Hopefully he will stay that way!

The weather is still unseasonably warm - supposed to go up to 72 today. It has me quite confused about what month it is. I had to turn in Ben's summer camp registration yesterday, which had me even more confused because I had to spend so much time thinking about summer while I was filling it out, and it was warm... since he starts kindergarten in the fall, he will be in preschool until the last week of June when summer camp starts. Then he will be in summer camp for nine weeks, until the second-to-last week of August.That week we've set aside for a vacation with the same friends we vacationed with last summer although the "where" has not been decided yet - possibly back to Virginia Beach. The last week of August is when school starts.

I know, I know, it's only February... I ordered Ben a new pair of Crocs this morning also though... spring is in the air! I'm afraid it's going to disappear soon though and reappear in a few weeks but I'll take whatever I can get.

1 comment:

Mary said...

We aren't having spring weather but I did go through all the girls summer clothes so that I am ready to buy when we go to the States. I have already ordered their winter outdoor clothes for next year! My point being, it is definitely not too early to order crocs! :)