Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ben's First Date

Last night we went out to dinner (here) with another couple whose younger daughter Maya goes to preschool and camp with Ben. Yesterday morning when he got up, Ben announced that he needed to take a bath. I normally bathe the kids at night before bed, so I asked him why. "Because we're going out with Maya tonight so I have to be clean!" he answered. Okay, fair enough... I let him take a bath.

I have never been so ignored by my son as I was at dinner last night. He and Maya sat at the opposite side of the table from me, which was big because there were 8 of us. He spent the entire time talking and giggling with Maya with a look of complete adoration on his face (I kid you not). They even held hands after dinner, as we took a walk to get ice cream and listen to music. Maya's dad gave him money to buy ice cream for himself and Maya, and he took this responsibility very seriously.

Ben's date tired him out - he didn't get to bed until after 9 last night, and slept until 9 this morning. As I am typing this he is sitting in his pajamas watching cartoons and asking me if he can go back to bed!


Mary said...

That is so cute!

Carolyn said...

So adorable! And how many parents get to participate in their kids first dates?!