Friday, July 18, 2008

A Dillemma

A long time ago, maybe even before Ben was born, my mom gave me a book called Too Much of a Good Thing: Raising Children of Character in a Permissive Culture. I haven't read it. I'm not sure where it is. But lately I've been thinking I ought to. Ben asks for toys all the time. Lately I've been doing better at telling him no, he doesn't need any more toys right now. He's probably gone about three weeks without getting any new toys from me (and that's only because I pulled the "you just had a birthday" card). Unfortunately three weeks is probably getting close to a record. This picture of his room does not show all his toys. The toy chest at the foot of the bed is full, as are the two bins by his night table, the angle is not wide enough to show all of his room (race track, toy castle...), and he has another big basket of toys downstairs in the living room. And more in the garage...

According to an review of Too Much of a Good Thing, one of the questions it poses is "if your daughter forgot her sneakers [on a trip or something I think] would you buy her new ones?" Unfortunately I think my answer (yes!) is not the correct one. But, after a cursory search, I cannot locate the book (Most of our books are still sitting in unopened boxes in the closet from the move last summer. Heavy boxes. Stacked one on top of the other). So my dillemma is.... If you can't find a book you know you have somewhere, do you spend the time and energy to find it, or do you buy a new one....? If I buy a new one have I already failed my son?


Anonymous said...

If you don't spend the time or energy to find the book you know you own, can you expect your son to do the same?

I have to admit, this is one of the few problems I don't have. Everything we don't need or use we sell, donate, or throw out. We don't have a whole lot of anything in storage that we have to search for.

Teaching Ben to donate his toys would be a good lesson...

Amanda said...

I found it :)