Thursday, July 24, 2008

Moving In

13 months after our move to Charlotte, I am finally getting around to unpacking the last of the boxes. Our master bedroom closet -- a big walk-in -- has been the last refuge for items remaining to be unpacked. Mostly books. I have gotten most of them unpacked, but I have a couple left to go - among them a box of school notebooks of Joel's, the one on top has "1986" written on it in magic marker... how's that for being a pack-rat.

Things I'm glad I found - a binder containing 90 typed pages of a novel I started writing 6 or 7 years ago and had all but forgotten (reading it now), wedding pictures, year books, my senior thesis from college, photo albums...

Things I threw away - a vast quantity of very old software, manuals, and broken peripherals for computers I haven't owned in years. (Like the Medion laptop).* I also finally threw away the two boxes full of notes,papers,desk supplies and coffee mugs from the job I left when we moved from Hershey to Blackstone. (In other words over four years ago). Well, I kept the coffee mugs.

Since for some reason we have no bookshelves in this house -- two big screen TVs yes, but no bookshelves, go figure -- I put all Joel's medical books in the hall closet next to our bedroom, and put everything else on the big shelf on the back wall of our bedroom closet. Man I hope it holds... what a crash that would be. The camera angle was not wide enough to show all the books... the shelf is like five or six feet long.

*If you are not familiar with the story, my former coworker (Hi Bob!) told me about this deal on a laptop... Legend has it that I paid cash for it off the back of a truck in a supermarket parking lot. That is a nice story but is not entirely true. I did have to pay cash for it, and it was at a supermarket, but the truck part was embellished later for better storytelling effect. Anyway, as you might suspect, the laptop broke twice within the first six months, and then finally broke a third and final time a year later (when the warrantee was up and fixing it would have cost $600). The worst party of the story is that since this occurred during a very cash-poor time of my life, I sold two ounces of gold to help finance the purchase. Gold was not particularly valuable at that time, I think I got $300 or so an ounce. Today of course, gold is selling for over three times that. So I haven't got the gold anymore... or the laptop. Unfortunately, I cannot chalk that up as the worst financial decision I have ever made. But that is a story for another day.


Abigail said...

You forgot that it was a German laptop. I like that part.

Andrew said...

Did Joel's cheesy 70's and 80's wax collection make it to Charlotte?

Amanda said...

Abby - it was a German laptop.

Squid - I didn't see it. I did however find a head carved out of what i think is a coconut husk but i cannot be sure.