Wednesday, April 11, 2012


On Monday night we listed our house for rent, having decided that since we're supposed to close on our new house May 15, we are running out of time to find a buyer. Of course since Joel did not trust our realtor to bring rental traffic in, he also made me list it on Craigslist yesterday afternoon.

Since then we've had two people come look at the house yesterday, both expressing what can only be described as rabid interest and taking rental applications (though neither has returned them yet), with four more lined up for today and a couple more later in the week. For the record, three of the four coming today are being brought by realtors, as was one of the people yesterday. So I think Joel's fear of not getting any traffic was unfounded. And I think we're getting buried by this latest round of showings! Hopefully we will have a renter procured very soon. Although renting is not an ideal situation, the upside is that the rent we're charging (which people seem only too happy to pay, one even commenting how cheap it is) is $400 more a month than we pay on the property, so we'll be able to set aside plenty of money in case any repairs are needed.

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