Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday Morning, Slightly More Hectic than Usual

I got up with Ben and drove him to school at 7am for chess club, both of us still in our pajamas. (Because he contributed $1.50 to help children in Africa get clean drinking water, he was allowed to wear pajamas today. I did not forget to dress him). I did forget to feed him breakfast though. So as we pulled up to school I said, "Go grab some breakfast before you go to chess club." He said, "I can't, the cafeteria doesn't open until 7:10. I'll go to chess club, find a Kindergartener to beat really quick, and then I'll go get breakfast."

"Sounds good," I said.

Then I came home, wondered aloud where Clara was, opened the back door, and she and the neighbor's dog both bolted into the house covered in mud, ran a lap around the kitchen, and bolted back out the door again. Clara was so muddy that she slipped in the kitchen and skidded across the floor on her mud-covered side, leaving a big brown smear.

Then I showered, got dressed, went outside, hosed off the dog, brought her inside, cleaned up the kitchen floor, got the baby up and dressed, got Rebecca up and dressed, dropped them both off at preschool / day care, and dropped my car off at Firestone for an oil change / state inspection and have already been informed that I need something expensive having to do with the brakes. So it looks like this trip to Firestone is going to cost something like $350-ish. And Joel wonders why I wait so long between oil changes....

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