Monday, April 2, 2012


You wouldn't know it to look at her, but this girl has croup! Yes, just three days after recovering from her weeklong fever/diarrhea illness, this apparently immune-deficient baby now has croup. She spent 5 hours in the emergency department with Joel Saturday night (midnight to five a.m. of course) where she received a breathing treatment and a prescription that turned out to be impossible to fill outside of the hospital, so that Joel had to return to the hospital to pick it up there after calling 10 different pharmacies none of which had it in stock.

She is currently doing much better, still coughing but not in the barking-seal way and not having difficulty breathing any more. Of course, this means more day care missed, and more work missed for Mom... because not only does Caroline have croup, but Rebecca must have the same virus because she woke up in the middle of the night last night with a 102 temperature, runny nose and cough. So I have not one, but two sick kids at home today, and likely tomorrow too. I am seriously considering throwing in the towel on this day care stuff and hiring a nanny instead.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

I'm soooooo glad Caroline does not know she's supposed to be sick. :) So darn cute!