Wednesday, April 11, 2012

False Alarm

Because it seems to be entirely impossible for Caroline to get through 2 days in a row of day care with out SOME kind of drama, they called me yesterday to tell me that there was what they thought was blood in her poop, in the last diaper they had changed.

I immediately said, "The doctor told me the omnicef she is on for her ear infections can turn her poop red. Are you sure it's not just that?"

No they said, it really looked like blood, and rather a lot of it, and the day care director had taken a look too, and seconded that opinion. And on top of this they said, she was acting fussy today and not her usual self.

So I told them to save the diaper, and called the doctor's office, stressing to them that I had not witnessed the diaper contents myself, but that they swore it was blood and not omnicef-poop. The doctor's office wanted me to bring her in.

So as if I have not missed more than enough work lately, I headed out to pick Caroline up and take her to the doctor's office. Where I was charged the $30 copay for the 5th time in 3 weeks (But who's counting?) and where the offending diaper was lab-tested and immediately determined to be omnicef-poop, not blood. And by the way, Caroline was not fussy at all when I picked her up.

Yet another strike in my book against day care...

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