Tuesday, April 17, 2012


We always tease Ben because he always says, "What?" when you know he has heard what you said but he just either doesn't get it/ needs some extra time to think about a response / just wants to pretend he didn't hear you. Tonight's example: "Ben, I see you did well on your report card, but you still need to work on your handwriting mechanics." "What?" "YOU HEARD ME BEN." Tonight at the dinner table he was doing this an awful lot and Joel called him on it. "You heard me fine, Ben. You only say 'what' when your little brain needs more time to compute a response." (BEN: What?)

After Joel left the table and I was clearing the dishes, Ben asked, "Mom when can I have a lemonade stand?" Having heard the question perfectly well and without thinking, I immediately said, "What?" And then I cracked up laughing. "What's so funny?" he demanded.

"I just realized exactly where you get it from!" I laughed.


1 comment:

Abigail said...

Yeah, I do the exact same thing... :)