Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Today is Going to be Quiet and Productive Even if it Kills Me

Of course yesterday Caroline missed yet ANOTHER day of day care, because she spiked a fever during the night Monday and early Tuesday morning. I was pretty sure it was because of the vaccinations she got on Monday, but had to keep her home anyway... She seemed to be fine by the end of the day, rallying enough to have her first meal of rice cereal for dinner last night. It was yet another day of lost productivity for me, although I managed to get a little bit done. Today all the kids are at school/day care, the dog is at camp, the house is getting its weekly cleaning, and I am at Barnes & Noble for the morning loading up on expensive caffeinated beverages and trying to get done everything I wasn't able to get done yesterday.... Joel is headed to Chicago today for a conference until the end of the week, so I need to enjoy some quiet productivity while I have the chance.... :)

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