Friday, April 6, 2012

Illness Chronicles Part II

So after Wednesday's full day of work, with all kids back at their respective places of care, things deteriorated again... Caroline came home Wednesday very fussy, spent the night being very fussy, and we were back in the doctor's office (for the 4th time in 2 weeks) yesterday morning where she was diagnosed with ear infections in both ears. I missed half a day of work between the doctor's office and getting her prescription filled, etc, and finally dropped her off at day care around noon, then tried to cram a full day's work into the afternoon.

Somewhere towards the end of the day I realized that somewhere during the craziness of the morning I seem to have lost my wallet. Since it did not materialize even after a thorough ransacking of the car, I just now ordered replacement credit cards, bank card, driver's license, etc. Of course this means it is bound to turn up any moment now but since all my cards are now suspended, that will not do me any good.

Today I have the day off (thank god). Caroline is home for Good Friday, Ben is at spring break camp, and Rebecca is off for Passover but is at her friend Conrad's house with some of the kids in her class, being babysat by a couple of her teachers.

Tonight we are hosting Passover Seder, pictures of the event will be forthcoming I am sure.

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Ugh your day sounds terrible did you ever find your wallet? Did you try your favorite place - the dr's office?