Sunday, April 15, 2012


We found a renter for our house! No, not the weird dude from the post below.(Although for those of you who weighed in on the side of scam, if it were a scam shouldn't he have asked for my bank account number to wire the money to, instead of an address to send a cashier's check to?)

Anyway, the renters we found are a couple who are relocating from Virginia. The husband just started a job down here, and his wife will be joining him after the birth of their second child, due in the middle of May. They also have a four year old daughter, a perfect playmate for Rebecca :) The husband came over to sign the lease and give the security deposit this morning, making it OFFICIAL and bringing us one step closer to getting everything in place for our own move. After he signed we immediately scanned the rental agreement and emailed it over to our mortgage broker, who needed it for underwriting our new loan, and texted our real estate agent to tell her to please unlist our house!!

I am very exciting that we have our house rented, especially since this means I won't have to keep the house so neat and clean anymore!! ;)


Abigail said...

Yay, congrats!

kathleen said...
